impossible quiz unblocked

If you are a fan of quiz games, then you might have heard of the Impossible Quiz Unblocked. It is an online game that has gained popularity in recent years due to its challenging and unique gameplay. In this article, we will discuss what the Impossible Quiz Unblocked is, its features, and why it is worth playing.

What is Impossible Quiz Unblocked?

The Impossible Quiz Unblocked is a quiz game that consists of a series of questions that seem impossible to answer. The game was created by Splapp-Me-Do and released in 2007. The game can be played on various platforms, including desktop and mobile devices.
The game has a unique and engaging gameplay that challenges players to think outside the box. The questions are not straightforward, and players need to use their creativity and logic to find the answers. The game has a time limit, and players need to answer the questions quickly to advance to the next level.

Features of Impossible Quiz Unblocked

The Impossible Quiz Unblocked has several features that make it stand out from other quiz games. Some of these features include:
- Unique Questions: The quiz questions in the game are not straightforward and require players to think creatively to find the answers. The questions are also hilarious and can make players laugh.
- Time Limit: The game has a time limit, and players need to answer the questions quickly to advance to the next level. The time limit adds to the game's challenge and makes it more engaging.
- Power-Ups: The game has power-ups that players can use to help them answer the questions. These power-ups include skips, bombs, and fuses.
- High Score: The game keeps track of the player's score, and players can compete with others to get the highest score.

FAQs About Impossible Quiz Unblocked

Q: Is the Impossible Quiz Unblocked free to play?
A: Yes, the game is free to play.
Q: Can I play the game on mobile devices?
A: Yes, the game can be played on mobile devices.
Q: How many levels are there in the game?
A: The game has 110 levels.


The Impossible Quiz Unblocked is a unique and engaging quiz game that challenges players to think creatively. The game's hilarious questions and challenging gameplay make it worth playing. If you are a fan of quiz games, then you should definitely give the Impossible Quiz Unblocked a try.